Policy4Tomorrow aims to assist government in moving towards pragmatic and evidence based solutions through comprehensive data analysis especially causal analysis.

Policy4Tomorrow brings like-minded policy practitioners who graduated from top policy schools across the world and have diverse national and international experience in solving critical policy problems.

Policy4Tomorrow also aims to build the capacities of local government in undertaking policy analysis.

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What we do?

Research for greener tomorrow

Policy4Tomorrow aims to lay foundation for a sustainable tomorrow through production of cutting edge research in framing, implementation and monitoring of public policies.

Evidence from ground up

Policy issues in today’s context are inherently wicked with no straight-jacketed solutions. Policy options to promote economic growth may contradict with objectives of equity and sustainability. In the rapidly changing and uncertain times, Policy4Tomorrow aims to bring evidence from the ground-up on the extent and impact of policies, which in-turn can set a way forward.

Improve existing systems for higher efficiency

On the central question of how to design, promote and implement policies that are inclusive, sustainable and welfare-enhancing, Policy4Tomorrow aims to offer local governments with credible research on various policy alternatives and cost-benefits of these alternatives. Policy4Tomorrow also aims to improve the capacity of existing system rather than redesigning the entire system.

Services Offered

Impact evaluation through econometric techniques

Cost benefit analysis

Primary Survey


Comparative analysis

Data analytics including spatial

Predictive analytics through machine learning algorithms

Our Work

Policy Related Work

• Logistic policy for Andhra Pradesh (Client: Andhra Pradesh Economic Development Board)

• Concept note on Capacity building of elected representatives of PRIs (Client: National Institute of Rural Development)

Impact Research

• Cost benefit analysis of energy transition in BIMARU states (International Journal of Social Sciences)

• Estimating SME credit rationing in Europe using firm-level micro data (European Investment Bank)

• Estimating true income for Mongolia (Under review)

• Minimum wage channels of adjustment- Evidence from the Indian manufacturing sector (Under review)

• Empirical analysis of the impact of Aadhaar in Higher education in the Indian context (Under proposal stage)

• Improving Labour productivity in manufacturing sector in India- An empirical investigation (Under proposal stage)


• Climate Change – A Way forward (Asian Journal of Public Affairs)

• Why we need to think beyond GDP? (Mongolian Economic Journal)

• Fighting the menace of air pollution through behavioural solutions (Unpublished)

• Andhra Pradesh & Telangana – A Way Forward (Unpublished)

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We aims to assist government in moving towards pragmatic and evidence based solutions through comprehensive data analysis especially causal analysis.

Policy4Tomorrow brings like-minded policy practitioners who graduated from top policy schools across the world and have diverse national and international experience in solving critical policy problems.

Policy4Tomorrow also aims to build the capacities of local government in undertaking policy analysis.